
Our June event for corporate social responsibility (BROWNS Elevate) was to raise money for the Smith Family. The Smith Family is a children’s charity that helps disadvantaged children, and in particular help them through their education when in difficult times.

At BROWNS, we wanted to organise a fun event to raise money for the Smith Family. On the last Friday of June, all 700+ students participated in a giant trivia quiz between campuses – BROWNS donated a dollar for each correct question, and we donated around $800. There were seven categories: Australiana, logos, geography, music, famous people, and sports. How many of these questions do you know?

What does NSW stand for?

What is a baby kangaroo called?

Where will the next winter Olympic games be held?

‘Aloha’ means ‘hello’ in what language?

What is the longest word you can make using these letters [only use each letter once] W  R  N  S  O  B?

We look forward to next month’s BROWNS Elevate event – Animal welfare and RSPCA activities.