Category Posts

How to get the most out of your time in Australia.

Making the decision to move overseas to study English is a big one. You are going somewhere unfamiliar. You are surrounded by a new language, culture and people. While you’re away you will miss all sorts of experiences and events with your family, friends and loved ones. That is not only one of the most […]

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The Language Plateau and How to Get Over It

Many language learners share the common experience of reaching a point in their studies where they cease feeling that they are improving. At lower levels, as key words and grammatical concepts are incorporated, improvement is noticeably apparent and learners frequently feel a sense of achievement. However, at higher levels, when the basics have been mastered, […]

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How to Expand Your English Vocabulary

I often see students writing long lists of unrelated words in their notebooks as they try desperately to expand their English vocabulary but is this really the best way? A list of words with a translation is a good start but how many of them will you be able to memorize and then use effectively […]

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You Need to Learn English to Enhance Your Travel Experience

I have been studying English for a while now (I started my learning experience at BROWNS) and I can say that the better my English has become, the more I enjoy traveling. I probably love to travel as much as you do. In fact, going to new places and meeting new people from different countries […]

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Academic English or General English: which one is right for you?

I am very far from being a fluent Japanese speaker. In fact, after four years of hard study and living in the country (mainly Osaka, and Hokkaido), I was still probably only about B2 level. However, if you happened to hear me chatting to a taxi driver in Japanese, you’d probably conclude I was pretty […]

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