Welcome to Week 2 of our Brisbane Primary Holiday Program. Our young learners had a week filled with fun, creativity, and discovery while continuing to build their English skills. From learning about Australian animals to creating colourful artwork inspired by Dreamtime stories, every day offered something new and exciting. Let’s take a closer look at all the highlights.
Monday, 20 January 2025 – Meals
After a busy week 1, we were all ready to throw ourselves into another terrific week of learning and joining in some more fun shared activities. Our theme today was Meals, so we started reviewing vocabulary connected with breakfast, lunch and dinner in order to focus on orally sharing the different foods and our most loved dishes we eat for these meals. We completed several illustrative and labelling worksheets before working our way to choosing a 3-course menu for the student’s individual restaurant. The afternoon was very interactive, playing with all the new friends in a variety of indoor games and puzzles. It was so rewarding hearing so much English language being expressed by the students.
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 – Australian Animals
The students had been looking forward to this favourite topic “Australian Animals”, students absorbed vocabulary, gained insights into the fascinating Australian creatures, and shared their favourite and most interesting animal. This was great as we are heading to Lone Pine later this week to visit with many of these creatures. The students loved watching videos and creating their individual mini-projects. The afternoon was dedicated to a visit to the local venue Strike Bowling for a competitive game of “Ten Pin Bowling”.
Wednesday, 22 January 2025 – Dreamtime Stories
Today held an important history element delving into Aboriginal Studies and their ‘Dreamtime’. In class, they were introduced to a brief background and new vocabulary before being introduced to the popular Dreamtime story of “The Rainbow Serpent“. Many students used the traditional colours and dot technique to paint their own designs on a snake shape. The afternoon session was spent watching the Australian movie “Finding Nemo” enhancing the movie experience with popcorn buckets, drinks and sweet treats. This proved a big hit with students, who enjoyed this relaxing opportunity to share with their new friends.
Thursday, 23 January 2025 – Holidays
Thursday greeted our young learners with an opportunity to share with their peers their holiday destinations or where they would like to visit one day. We created sentences to create images of holiday places and activities. Finally working on a holiday booklet. The older students followed this by looking at the format of postcards and seeing examples from around the world. The students reflected on their time in Australia so far and really worked hard on writing their own Australian postcards. In the afternoon it was time to indulge in “Glow in the Dark” painting on canvas. Listening and following directions from an artist, we all managed to paint in detail a glowing pineapple. Pineapples are grown widely in this area.
Friday, 24 January 2025 – Sport
The week finished on a spirited note with a focus on Sport. Students immersed themselves in the vocabulary list ABC of sporting activities and mimed the actions of these sports. It was so much fun. The older students completed activities revolving around sporting verbs whilst our younger students practised the correct use of -play go and do before the activity. We all enjoyed viewing and discussing some usual sports and were wowed by examples of extreme sports. Post-lessons, we travelled to the gorgeous City Botanic Gardens for our lunchtime picnic overlooking the river. We explored the playground equipment, socialising and again enjoying the sunshine and fresh air of the park.
Saturday, 25 January 2025 – Lone Pine
Saturday was a day of excitement as our students spent the day at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. This educational theme park is very popular with international visitors. With 70 species of Australian native animals in a beautiful, natural bush setting at the world’s first and largest koala sanctuary, it was a real treat. We met koalas, hand-fed kangaroos, marvelled at the playful platypus, and enjoyed many talks from keepers and activities, including a Sheep Dog Show and Wild Lorikeet feeding. It was a terrific day with their peers.
As Week 2 comes to an end, we’re so proud of everything our young learners have accomplished and the fun memories they’ve created along the way. Join us next week as we continue this incredible journey of learning, discovery, and adventure. We can’t wait to share more highlights with you.
Since 2003, BROWNS English Language School has delivered world-class English Language training to international students from around the world. More than 35,000 students from 102 nationalities have completed a BROWNS program, making BROWNS one of the leading private ELICOS providers in Australia for adults and young learners.
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BROWNS English Language School Pty Ltd trading as BROWNS English Language School and BROWNS Professional | CRICOS Provider Number: 02663M | ABN: 31 111 453 831 | RTO Code: 31998 | Primary Holiday Program in Australia | Junior Holiday Program | English in Australia | Young Learners | Study English in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Melbourne