Discovering Melbourne: Week 1 of BROWNS’ Junior Holiday Program

Welcome to the start of our Junior Holiday Program in Melbourne. The first week of the program our students embarked on a journey of discovery and cultural immersion, starting with a warm welcome and engaging activities that introduced them to each other and their new surroundings. Throughout the week, they delved into topics like their home countries, local cities, cooking, hobbies, and graffiti art, all while practising their English skills and making new friends. Join us as we recount the highlights of each day, from scavenger hunts and designing dream towns to cooking delicious treats and exploring the vibrant streets of Melbourne.

Monday 15/07/2024

We arrived on Monday, excited for our first day. We introduced ourselves and played some games to get to know each other. After that, we started with our topic – “My Country!” Each of us had the chance to talk about our home countries, pointing them out on a world map. We also discussed where we have travelled to and where we want to go someday. Later, we learned about the country we are living in now, Australia.

In the afternoon, we had the best time playing a scavenger hunt around the campus, completing tasks based on Australian culture, and sharing big smiles. We all took a photo in a traditional Australian hat and learnt to say ‘G’day mate, how’s it going.’ 

Tuesday 16/07/2024

The day after learning about our countries, we focused on our hometowns and cities. We learned some new vocabulary and debated what we could find in them, playing board games and comparing the different types of towns we have in class. After that, we designed our dream town in groups, letting our imaginations run wild. 

After lunch, we walked to Melbourne Skydeck to enjoy the amazing views of the city we are staying in right now. 

Wednesday 17/07/2024

Wednesday’s topic was cooking, so we started the class by talking about our favourite dishes and learning the structure of a recipe. We also learned some new vocabulary about food and cooking methods, playing interactive games with all our classmates. After the break, we wrote about our favourite recipes and shared them with the class, discovering dishes from other countries. 

In the afternoon, we designed our dream café and cooked a delicious mug cake in the campus kitchen. The best bit was eating our mug cakes all together as a class. 

Thursday 18/07/2024

Today’s theme was “Hobbies and Free Time Activities!” We kicked off the day with a fun guessing game where we acted out different activities without speaking, and our friends had to guess what they were. The quiz was exciting and got everyone involved as we answered questions about hobbies and activities, cheering each other on. 

Following the quiz, we had a “Hobby Race” where students drew pictures of different hobbies, and their teammates had to guess what hobby was being illustrated. We also practised speaking by using flashcards to talk about our hobbies for one minute each. It was so fun to learn all about each other’s most loved hobbies.  

After class today we went tenpin bowling. It was such a great way to celebrate all the learning from today and we all were very competitive, but luckily everyone did well at the game! 

Friday 19/07/2024

We wrapped up the week with an exciting exploration of “Graffiti!” We began by brainstorming what graffiti is and learnt all about different art styles! To dive deeper, we watched a video about Banksy, the famous street artist, and discussed his impactful work and its significance. We even listened to a song all about Starry Night by Van Gogh and filled in the missing lyrics.  

Next we got create worked together to create a collective piece of graffiti art. Our classroom walls are so much more colourful now! We wrapped up with a debate on whether graffiti is vandalism or art. Everyone shared their opinions and backed up their ideas, using what we had learned in this lesson. 

We then had the chance to go and see some Graffiti in Melbourne’s famous Hosier Lane! We took some great pictures and then explored the ACMI museum with loads of fun interactive exhibits.  

Saturday 20/07/2024 

On a rainy but fun Sunday, we went to Sea Life Melbourne for an exciting underwater adventure! We explored incredible exhibits and saw amazing sea creatures up close. We loved the graceful jellyfish drifting in the tanks, even though our teacher was scared! Afterwards, while we were having lunch we were awed by the impressive huge crocodile lounging in its tank next to us- he was over 7 feet long. We also enjoyed spotting colourful fish- we even found Nemo! On our way out, the last stop was the playful penguins- who were very noisy and friendly. We had a fantastic time discovering the beauty of ocean life and all the different sea animals in Australia 

As we conclude our eventful first week discovering Melbourne, we’re delighted to see the enthusiasm and growth among our students. From learning about each other’s cultures and hobbies to creating art and exploring the city, it has been a week full of memorable experiences and new friendships. We invite you to join us on our blog next week for more exciting activities and adventures as we continue our journey of learning and exploration. Stay tuned for our Week 2 recap and see what new experiences await our students.

Since 2003, BROWNS English Language School has delivered world-class English Language training to international students from around the world. More than 35,000 students from 102 nationalities have completed a BROWNS program, making BROWNS one of the leading private ELICOS providers in Australia for adults and young learners.


BROWNS English Language School Pty Ltd trading as BROWNS English Language School and BROWNS Professional | CRICOS Provider Number: 02663M | ABN: 31 111 453 831 | RTO Code: 31998 | Discovering Melbourne | Junior Holiday Program in Australia | English for kids | Discovering Melbourne | Study English in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Melbourne