Melbourne Study Tour

Melbourne Study Tour Highlights: A Week of Cultural Exploration and Fun

Embark on an unforgettable educational adventure with BROWNS English Language School‘s (BROWNS) Study Tour programs. Designed to cater to the unique needs of groups and schools, our Study Tours provide an immersive language experience that goes beyond traditional classroom learning. Under the guidance of our experienced teachers and language experts, students participate in interactive English classes that enhance their language skills and deepen their cultural understanding. Our meticulously planned Study Tours also include exciting excursions and cultural activities, allowing students to explore iconic landmarks, engage with local customs, and build lasting friendships. With a focus on safety, support, and a seamless experience, BROWNS’ Study Tours are a transformative and enriching experience. Continue reading to discover the highlights and memorable moments from our recent Study Tour program in Melbourne.

Monday, 08/07/2024

Monday was an exciting start as we welcomed a Study Tour to our Melbourne campus, and what a fantastic beginning it was. Our theme for the day was “Getting to Know Each Other and Exploring Australian Culture,” and we packed so much fun and learning into just a few hours. We began our day with some icebreaker activities designed to help everyone feel comfortable and connected. We played games like “Two Truths and a Lie” and “Human Bingo,” which were perfect for learning fun facts about each other. The room was filled with laughter as we discovered surprising hobbies, favourite foods, and even hidden talents among our group. 

Next, we dove into a fascinating exploration of Australian culture. We learned about the unique aspects of life Down Under, from the stunning landscapes and wildlife to the laid-back lifestyle and friendly people. A highlight of our cultural journey was delving into Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. These ancient tales are not only captivating but also offer profound insights into the beliefs and traditions of Australia’s Indigenous people. We listened to stories of creation, animals, and the natural world, each one beautifully illustrating the deep connection between the Aboriginal people and their land. 

In the spirit of storytelling, our next activity was a creative challenge: completing a jumbled story. Each student received a story that had been mixed up, and their task was to rearrange the sentences into the correct order. It was a fantastic way to practice reading comprehension and sequencing skills, and the results were both hilarious and impressive! To round off our day, we embraced our artistic sides by creating Aboriginal art. We learned about the significance of symbols and colours in Aboriginal paintings and used these elements to create our own pieces. The classroom was transformed into an art gallery filled with vibrant dot paintings and intricate designs. This hands-on activity allowed everyone to express their creativity while paying homage to the rich artistic traditions of Aboriginal culture. As we wrapped up the day, it was clear that our group had already formed a strong bond and gained a deeper appreciation for the beauty and diversity of Australian culture. 

Tuesday 09/07/2024

Our second day of the program was all about fashion and fun. We explored the theme of “Shopping and Clothes,” and our activities were a perfect blend of learning, games, and creativity. We kicked off the day with a lively discussion about shopping and clothes. Students shared their favourite places to shop, the latest fashion trends they love, and even some funny shopping experiences. This set the stage for our language activities focused on vocabulary related to clothing and shopping. 

To make learning even more engaging, we played a Kahoot game! This interactive quiz had everyone on their toes, answering questions about different types of clothing, shopping phrases, and even some fun fashion trivia. The competitive spirit was high, and it was wonderful to see everyone participating with enthusiasm. After our Kahoot game, we moved on to a board game designed to reinforce our new vocabulary. The game involved navigating a shopping mall, collecting items, and practising dialogues like asking for prices and making purchases. It was not only educational but also a lot of fun, as students worked in pairs and small groups, helping each other along the way. 

In the afternoon, we switched gears to a relaxing and creative activity: colouring boomerangs. We learned about the cultural significance of boomerangs in Aboriginal culture and then each student got to decorate their own. With vibrant colours and unique designs, our boomerangs turned out beautifully, reflecting the creativity and individuality of each student. As the day came to a close, it was clear that everyone had enjoyed the mix of learning and fun. The combination of games, discussions, and art made for an engaging and memorable day. 

Wednesday 10/07/2024

Midweek was all about exploring “Free Time Activities and Hobbies.” Our day was packed with interactive activities that made learning English both enjoyable and effective. We started the day by building a word wall filled with vocabulary related to free time activities. Students contributed words and phrases like “playing soccer,” “reading books,” “cooking,” and many more. This visual tool helped everyone quickly learn and remember new vocabulary, setting a strong foundation for the rest of our activities. 

Next, we turned to Quizlet for an engaging review of hobby-related vocabulary. Using digital flashcards, students practised and tested their knowledge through various fun modes like matching games and multiple-choice quizzes. This interactive approach kept everyone motivated and eager to learn. To practice speaking skills, we had a “Talking for 1 Minute” activity. Each student picked a hobby or free time activity and spoke about it for one minute. This exercise was fantastic for building confidence in speaking English, as well as for learning more about each other’s interests. 

We then played a board game focused on free time activities. The game involved moving around the board, landing on different squares, and talking about the activities pictured there. It was a great way to reinforce the vocabulary and phrases we had been learning, all while having fun and working together. In the afternoon, we practised dialogues where students paired up and had conversations about their hobbies and free time activities. This helped them apply the vocabulary in a realistic context. To add a bit of research and data collection into the mix, we conducted a survey where students asked each other about their favourite pastimes and tallied the results. This activity was not only educational but also fostered a sense of community as students discovered common interests. Today’s focus on free time and hobbies allowed everyone to share their passions and practice English in a relaxed and enjoyable way. The variety of activities ensured that there was something for everyone, making learning both effective and fun. 

Thursday 11/07/2024

Today’s theme was all about “Food,” and our activities were as enjoyable as a delicious meal shared with friends. From quizzes to roleplays, our day was filled with engaging and tasty learning experiences. We kicked off the day with a fun and informative food quiz. This activity served as a perfect warmer, getting everyone excited and ready to dive into our food-themed lessons. The quiz covered a range of topics, from naming different types of cuisine to identifying common ingredients and dishes from around the world. 

Next, we focused on practical skills by learning how to order at a restaurant. We discussed useful phrases and vocabulary, such as “I’d like to order,” “Can I have the bill, please?” and different ways to ask about the menu items. Students practised forming their own sentences and asking questions, building confidence for real-life dining situations. To put our new skills to the test, we concluded with a roleplay activity. Students paired up and acted out various restaurant scenarios, taking turns being the customer and the waiter. This interactive exercise was not only fun but also helped everyone practice speaking and listening in a practical context. The roleplays were full of creativity and humour, making for an enjoyable learning experience. 

To keep the energy high throughout the day, we sprinkled in some small games between our main activities. These included word matches, food-themed charades, and a memory game with food items. These quick and lively games were great for reinforcing vocabulary and keeping everyone engaged. Today’s focus on food and dining provided practical language skills that students can use in everyday situations. The combination of quizzes, discussions, roleplays, and games made the learning process dynamic and enjoyable. 

Friday 12/07/2024

We ended our week with an adventurous dive into the fascinating world of “Australian Animals and Fun Facts.” The day was filled with interactive learning, music, and games that kept everyone engaged and entertained. We started the day with a thrilling Kahoot quiz focused on Australian animals. Students tested their knowledge on a wide range of creatures, from kangaroos and koalas to less-known animals like the quokka and the platypus. The competitive spirit and excitement made this a fantastic way to kick off our animal-themed day. 

To create a special atmosphere, we played Aboriginal-themed music in the background throughout the day. The unique sounds and rhythms added a cultural dimension to our lessons and provided a soothing and inspiring backdrop for our activities. Our next focus was on building vocabulary related to Australian wildlife. We discussed various animals, their habitats, and interesting facts about them. Students learned new words and phrases, which we then reinforced using flashcards. The visual aids helped everyone memorize and recall the new vocabulary with ease. 

Using the flashcards, we played several games that made learning about Australian animals both educational and fun. We matched animals with their descriptions, played memory games, and even created short presentations on our favourite Australian creatures. The fun facts about each animal, such as the echidna’s spiky defence or the wombat’s cube-shaped droppings, added an extra layer of intrigue and amusement. Today’s exploration of Australian animals perfectly blended education and entertainment. The combination of quizzes, music, vocabulary exercises, and interactive games ensured that everyone left with a deeper understanding and appreciation of Australia’s unique wildlife. As we wrapped up the week, it was clear that our Study Tour had been a huge success, filled with learning, laughter, and new friendships. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store! 

As we look back on our Melbourne Study Tour, it’s clear that the week was filled with enriching experiences and unforgettable moments. From engaging in dynamic language lessons to exploring the vibrant culture of Melbourne, students left with not only improved English skills but also a deeper appreciation for Australian life. The connections made and memories created will undoubtedly be cherished for years to come. We are proud of the progress our students have made and are excited to continue offering such immersive and impactful programs. For more information on how to create your own customised Study Tour experience in Brisbane, Gold Coast, or Melbourne, visit our website and start planning your next adventure with us.

Since 2003, BROWNS English Language School has delivered world-class English Language training to international students from around the world. More than 35,000 students from 102 nationalities have completed a BROWNS program, making BROWNS one of the leading private ELICOS providers in Australia for adults and young learners.


BROWNS English Language School Pty Ltd trading as BROWNS English Language School and BROWNS Professional | CRICOS Provider Number: 02663M | ABN: 31 111 453 831 | RTO Code: 31998 | Melbourne Study Tour | Study Tours in Australia | English for kids | Study English in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Melbourne