Category Posts

More tips for listening + reading practice in English

   On the 21st November, I wrote a blog called, “Do you need ideas for authentic listening practice?” and showed you how to use the ABC’s Behind the News website. I hope you’ve watched some interesting news stories! Do you want some more ideas to build your vocabulary and practice your reading and listening? Check […]

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Get digital: Use your iPhone or iPad to do IELTS / CAE / FCE practice tests!

A lot of students nowadays are using their iPhones and iPads as tools for helping them to learn English. It’s great that institutions such as Cambridge are making resources that we can use on our mobile devices. Are you an IELTS preparation student? Have you ever wanted to do more practice tests at home – […]

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Do you need ideas for authentic listening practice?

 “Teacher, how can I improve my English, specifically my listening skills?” “Teacher, the Australian accent is so difficult to understand – what can I do to practice?” If you are an English language student, I’m sure you may have asked your teacher one of the above questions at some time.  A lot of students have […]

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English Writing Class using QR codes

BROWNS English Language School steps inside one of our Pre Intermediate classrooms to take a look into their writing lesson using QR codes. This modern writing lesson gets students not only writing a report but also incorporates vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading (using QR codes) and grammar. Stay tuned for more coming soon.

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Punctuation …??!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

They are simple things. The period, or full stop (.) The Question mark (?) And the Exclamation mark (!) 3 small little marks – yet they can completely change the meaning of our sentences. Think about the meaning, and how you would say the following three sentences. Shannan is an amazing teacher.  Or Shannan is […]

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